Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.

2 Department of Sheep and Goats Research, Department of Animal Production Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre, Egypt.

3 Yale University, School of Medicine, New Haven, CT., 06510.


The application of molecular gene the markers in traits assisted selection are of
great significance in improving specific traits of breeds. Currently, there is a great
interest in detecting gene-marker alleles that are associated with reproductive and
productive livestock traits. To test for possible associations between certain marker
gene alleles in Egyptian Suffolk (70-90 % UK Suffolk. 10 – 30 Ossimi sheep; ES)
ewes traits, their blood plasma proteins were examined for biochemical
polymorphism of Myosin (M), -Galactosidase (-Gal), Phoshorylase  (P),
Bovine-serum Albumin (Alb), Catalase (Cat) and Aldolase (Ald) by using-onedimensional
sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels electrophoresis (SDSPAGE),
with high-range protein molecular weight marker standard as reference
Analysis of results indicated clear associations between productive and
reproductive traits of heterozygous ewes and marker gene alleles. The associations
were highly significant (P<0.01) between Alb marker gene alleles and the highest
values of some of the traits studied as follows: Aa1, Aa2 and each of age at first
lambing and lambs weight at weaning, Ab1, Ab2 and fertility (number of lambs born
/ number of ewes exposed during the breeding season) and A01, A02 and lambing
interval. Alb alleles Ab1, Ab2 & A01, A02 and Ab1, Ab2 were significantly (P<0.01)
associated with the youngest age at first lambing, fertility and lambing interval,
respectively. The -Gal alleles Gc1,Gc2 and Cat Cb1,Cb2 were insignificantly
associated with the highest values of lamb weight at birth and kilograms of lambs
weaned / ewe / season (kilograms of lambs weaned / ewe / season combine the
output of group of traits: lambing rate, milk yield, growth rate and pre-weaning
mortality). Meanwhile, -Gal alleles Gd1, Gd2 were insignificantly associated with
the lowest lamb weight at birth. The Cat alleles C01, C02 were insignificantly
associated with the lowest of each lamb weight at weaning and kilograms of lambs
weaned / ewe / season. The present results may suggest that marker assisted
selection could be carried out at a very early age depending on marker gene types
for improvement of Egyptian Suffolk sheep traits. This is due to the fact that marker
genes could be scored at very early ages.